How We Increased Hypuff Monthly Revenue From $21k to $79k in 2 months

The Challenge

As a brand that sells bathroom accessories, primarily soap holders, to women aged 40 and older, Hypuff was struggling to increase its revenue profitably.

The two main issues were a high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and low margins on bathroom products. We implemented the actions described in this document to address these challenges and help the brand scale further.

The Solution

To help this brand scale, we initially focused on improving their store metrics. This ensured a better return on ad spend, facilitating easier scaling.

Increasing Revenue per Visitor

The first and most crucial element we identified as needing improvement was the Product Details Page (PDP) of the best-selling product, the Leaf Soap Holder:

PDP Improvements: Before and After Comparison

  1. Reduced the header size for a more compact layout. This frees up space to pull up and highlight more essential information.

  2. Added the trust policy. This helps prospects understand the offer. And establish trust upon visiting the PDP.

  3. Reduced the image size for a more compact layout. This frees up space to pull up crucial information above the fold.

  4. Added chevrons for easier navigation.

  5. Rephrased the text of the review (stars) widget, adding “Happy Customers”. This makes it more uplifting.

  6. Rephrased the product name. Added a key benefit to it. This communicates the main benefit it offers to customers and makes the product more appealing.

  7. Added a “Save $5” badge to make the offer more appealing and clear to the prospect.

  8. Replaced dropdown menu with color swatches. This reduces the number of steps required to make a purchase. So it makes the purchase flow smoother.

  9. Added trust seals from reputable payment providers. This establishes more credibility and trust with the prospect.

This drastically improved the conversion rate and gave us a solid baseline to start from.

Improving the Conversion Rate: Checkout (Contact Information) to Checkout (Shipping)

In Google Analytics, we noticed a drop-off from the contact information to the shipping page. Despite offering credit card payment options, many comments on ads were seeking clarification on how to pay without a PayPal account.

The brand serves older women who may lack tech-savvy skills. We assumed that the bottleneck in the checkout process was caused by the dynamic checkout option. It’s the first thing that’s seen upon landing. The contact information fields are below it. Which, for non-tech-savvy users, might seem like PayPal is the only option to pay.

We removed the dynamic checkout option. This made contact information fields shown to customers first.

With this change, we accomplished the following:

  1. Increased the conversion rate from Checkout (contact_info) to Checkout (shipping)

  2. Captured more contacts who did not complete their purchases. So our abandoned checkout email sequence became even more effective.

We also added a phone number to the checkout banner. This change helped to enhance trust and credibility, particularly with our older customers.

This change helped us increase the conversion rate further.

Improving Average Order Value (AOV)

The soap holders, which were the main sellers, had relatively low margins. Even with a better conversion rate, low margins of soap holders made scaling further nearly impossible.

We needed to find a way to boost AOV and profitability.

Three strategies that assisted us in achieving this were:

  1. We implemented quantity breaks (and buying 4 gets the 5th for free)

  2. We utilized post-purchase offers

  3. We sent upsell offer emails before shipping the products

For the second and third strategies, we tested various combinations to find the most effective ones. This testing led us to identify the best-performing options.

These strategies helped us increase revenue per visitor and enabled us to scale much more easily.

Facebook Ads

The main product (Leaf Soap Holder) is unfamiliar to many potential buyers. They know soap holders but not this unique draining design.

They have the problem of soap mess. But they don’t know about these kinds of products as a solution.

This puts this type of audience into the category of problem-aware.

To target these prospects, we tested these types of angles:

  • ‘Problem-solution’ angle

  • ‘Secret’ angle

  • ‘Storytelling’ angle

The ‘problem-solution’ angle performed the best by far.

The brand was making one of the mistakes we see very often. It’s trying to convince prospects by listing as many as possible benefits. This makes the ad less effective as each of the benefit ‘fights’ each other.

We made sure that all the future ads stick to only one idea.

After reviewing all the product reviews, and analyzing what customers liked and disliked, we compiled a list of benefits:

  • Customers want their soap dry

  • Customers want their sinks clean

  • Customers want a beautiful soap holder

We tested each benefit as a selling angle and identified the most effective one, which exhibited the highest CTR and the lowest CPA.

Results led us to a conclusion of which benefit resonates the most with customers. And it was the ‘sinks clean’ benefit.

So we focused on creating content that was angled on the most resonating benefit.

Our ad structure was simple: ABO campaign for testing, ASC+ and CBO campaigns for scaling. 

We scaled winning ads that brought us the CPA above our KPI. These were ads that resonated the most with our audience.

On each ad, we actively engaged with prospects by responding to every comment. This highly encouraged comments from prospects, which helped us gain huge social proof on our ad posts.

This also helped us address the most common questions and objections.

When scaling new ad sets, we used Post IDs to utilize all the engagements. This significantly contributed to reducing the CPA on these ads.

These objections and questions also contributed to our FAQ improvement.

We kept on creating, testing, and pushing ads that were based on the most effective benefits.

The Results

By enhancing the user experience on the PDP and checkout pages, and creating and running ads that truly resonated with customers, we were able to scale this brand profitably.

The brand’s monthly revenue increased from $21k to $79k for two months, marking a 376% increase.

The profit per month increased from $5.1k per month to $23.4k per month, marking a 458% increase.

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  • Meta Ads (Media Buying & Creatives)

  • Shopify CRO

  • Klaviyo Email Marketing

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