How We Added $144,289 in Monthly Revenue To US Park Pass While Increasing the Profit Margin by 15% in Just 2 Months

About US Park Pass

US Park Pass is a brand that offers the America the Beautiful National Park Pass, providing access to over 2,000 federal recreation sites. Along with their hero product, US Park Pass, they sell outdoor-related items like water bottles, beanies, and national park guides, catering to nature lovers and families exploring America’s scenic landscapes.

The Challenge

US Park Pass had a low profit margin problem with their main product, the Park Pass. To grow their business further, they needed to increase their profit margins and strengthen the cash flow. Without this, the cost of acquisition and operations would become too high and scaling would be impossible.

In addition to their hero product, the Park Pass, they also offered a variety of products that appealed to outdoor enthusiasts. These products had a higher profit margin compared to the Park Pass. The ultimate goal of US Park Pass was to increase the sales of these non-pass products, which would lead to higher overall profits.

The Results & Solution

To increase their monthly revenue by $144,289 while increasing the gross profit margin by 15% in two months, we have applied the following strategies:

  1. Increasing the revenue generated from Klaviyo

  2. Improving the AOV and gross profit per order utilizing various upselling tactics

  3. Launching Meta ads, applying different testing and scaling methodologies

This post will cover the strategies outlined above.

1. Increasing the revenue generated from Klaviyo

To maximize the revenue US Park Pass generates from Klaviyo to 32.22%, we have:

  1. Optimized their current flows
    – Abandoned checkout flow
    – Welcome email flow

  2. Created new flows
    – Abandoned cart flow
    – Browse abandonment flow
    – Site abandonment flow
    – Cross-sell flows for each hero product
    – Bounce-back flows
    – Thank-you flow
    – Replenishment flow
    – VIP flow
    – Gift card flows

  3. Optimized the lead magnet
    – Added more relatable incentive that captured emails at a higher rate

  4. Improved segmentation
    – Introduced new segments like Engaged Segment, VIP segment, Nearly There, etc.

  5. Improved the campaign calendar cadence
    – Improved the promotional email ideas
    – Added content-related emails that increased the engagement

  6. Increased Open Rate, CTR, and Place Order Rate across the whole account by:
    – Improving email designs
    – Enhancing email copywriting
    – Improving deliverability
    – Creating A/B tests that have further improved performance

  7. Decreased the negative metrics
    – Lowered the unsubscribe rate
    – Decreased the spam complaint rate
    – Reduced the bounce rate

  8. Increased the number of emails sent per month

A couple of email examples we have created for the US Park Pass:

2. Increasing the AOV and gross profit margin with AOV optimization tactics

To increase their AOV and gross profit margin, these are strategies that we have introduced:

  1. Pre β€œAdd To Cart” event tactics
    – Added frequently bought together
    – Added recommendations for complementary products

  2. Improved the cart drawer
    – Added the free shipping threshold
    – Added upsells/cross-sells of complementary products
    – Added an add-on for the gift envelope

  3. Checkout upsells
    – Added upsells/cross-sells of complementary products

  4. Post-purchase funnels
    – Added post-purchase funnel specifically for the hero and for other products

For each tactic, multiple variations of designs and product combinations were tested to find the winning combination.

Example of the cart drawer improvement for a higher AOV and gross profit margin:

Key improvements of the cart drawer:

  1. Free Shipping Threshold: Added a free shipping threshold for orders over $100, which works especially well with the 2nd point

  2. Cross-Sells in Cart Drawer: Added cross-sells of complementary products

  3. Park Pass Gift Envelope Add-On: Included an easy-to-select add-on for adding a gift envelope for the Park Passes. 

  4. Reduced the CTA numbers to one: Making it bold and increasing the conversion rate.

  5. Trust Badges: Placed trust badges below the CTA, increasing credibility and conversion rates.

3. Launching Meta ads, applying better testing and scaling methodologies

US Park Pass main source of traffic was Google. The Park Pass as a product with a low profit margin is not scalable on Meta ads, so, therefore, we had to come up with a solution to market with different products.

To effectively test and scale on Meta, we have applied our framework:

  1. Persona research:
    – Research about the persona pains & desires
    – Reviews-mining
    – Competitors research

  2. Creative research
    – Research of previous winning ads
    – Research of competitors’ ads
    – Research of winning ads in the market

  3. Creative production
    – Angle development
    – Concept development
    – Copywriting
    – Creative design

  4. Testing
    – Dynamic creative testing
    – ABO testing

  5. Scaling
    – Scaling ads / winning combinations

  6. Further optimization based on results

Our creative, testing, and scaling process allowed us to get high returns for US Park Pass, making a solid foundation for further scaling.

Moving forward

After successfully increasing the revenue and gross profit margin, US Park Pass is ready to scale further.

We have helped them build a solid foundation that sets them on the path to becoming a notable brand in the outdoor industry.

Let’s make your brand our next great case study

If you want us to help your brand scale profitably with:

  • Meta ads (creative production & media buying)

  • Shopify CRO

  • Klaviyo Email Marketing

Book a quick discovery call on the button below.